Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's legal to call & SMS while driving if ....

Heard over the radio while driving back from work about MIX FM giving out tickets for SEX IN THE CITY preview screening & Cocktail party... and what we need to do is to call in and answer 1 question. Well, I decided not to call as I'm still driving. We always been told not to make phone calls or sending text messages while driving. And I wonder why the radio station here encourages their listeners to call/text them? You see, most of us only listen to the radio while we are in the car, and the DJ will always ask ppl to call in now, or send us SMS now .... SO now when you see your next car is on the phone, or texting, you'll know they might be doing it for radio station's freebies....

And yesterday, I purposely do not want to drive to work, so I can make the call around 7P, while I'm on the way back ... Well, I used 3 mobiles to make the call, all put into loudspeaker, toot tooot, tooot toooot... it's like having a mini 'tooot toooot' orchestra. in the car ... Sad to say, I didn't manage to get thru ... well i guess, 3 lines are not enough... must have at least 10 lines available to call up to a radio station!

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