Monday, June 30, 2008

Pills free-at last

Was pretty worried these few days. Went for my final check up today. Sigh, I have 2 worries. First, wondering what if I'm still having TB, because I've been coughing again lately. Second, the expensive CT Scan which cause RM 700++... There goes my money.... (*^*) ....

Anyway, I went there quite early and have to go thru the needle insertion procedure again. But this time is less painful thou. Well, the most important thing is, DOC said I'm OKAY!!! Hurraaaayy..... No more pills every morning. WeeeWeee....

Psst:- my weight increased again... for the past 5 months, I've been getting heavier and heavier!

Need help.....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Go Green!

It's been a while I've come here to update this blog...Been to0 busy and tied up with work lately. If it is not because of my 1-Day carried forward AL is going to be expired, I don't think I'll give myself a short break.. hehe...

So I purposely went up to Penang, to shoot a TREE! I joined a group in FACEBOOK called Tree-Nation, and they are running a photo contest monthly. I decided to submit 1 entry for the month of June. Just to try try my luck... Well, the winner will be awarded a TREE and the so-called Tree-Nation will plant it for us. I don't know how true it is, and there is no harm to join the GREEN FORCE...
1. tadaaa.... this is the picture that I've submitted...


3. Yummy Asam Laksa + Rojak...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Allergic to DOGs

Hrmph.... Bringing back a puppy is such a huge huge responsibility & commitment... Roxy is my first pet dog... Am so happy & excited despite the amount of $$ I have to spent on her this month. Roxy alone already cost RM 1,200 and her actual price is RM1,680... well, i guess it worth it as she is MKA certified. Besides that, I need to buy her good food as Mini Schnauzer is quite sensitive towards food. They will get skin problem & digestion problem easily... sigh ... and not forgetting her toy, bed, shirts, treats, supplements, good shampoo, cage.

Taking care of a dog is like taking care of a baby. Have to feed, clean ups, play with, bla bla bla bla... wow... but having her around is fun...but sometimes can be so frustrated when she did something wrong like pee/poo @ the wrong place... but it will be so rewarding when she managed to do u some tricks...

Besides all the new joy she brought, she also brought me 1 surprises. I learnt that I am allergic to dog! I've been keep sneezing for whole month since I brought Roxy back. I get to know my condition when I ask Mr.Google why I always having nose block, watery eye, skin itchy whenever she licks me.... Mr.Google told me that I am allergic to dog!

Sigh...Do I need to live with her with all these nose block, sneezing, teary, itchy itchy for the next 15 years?